Open Staff Screen


New Add new staff. If you click this button, staff edit screen will be displayed
Edit Edit staff details. If you click this button, staff edit screen will be displayed
Delete Delete staff
Search Search for staff
Refresh Refresh the staff list and removes all filters.
Change Password Change staff password

Edit Staff

Position Each position has different security clearances / permissions. ‘Staff’ can make sales and purchases but can’t register/edit an item and can’t see the report or access ‘Preferences’. The manager can in addition to ‘Staff’ permissions, see the report but they can’t access ‘Preferences’.
Password Each staff member requires a password to login to the Pos Sale/Pos Touch screen. They are also used to check for permission access to certain features. Passwords are made up of digits only.
Hide Cost If you select this option, staff member can’t see the cost of the items in the stock list or lookup screen.
Allow Discount If you select this option, staff member can apply discount during sales.
Allow price change If you select this option, staff member can change the unit price of an item during sales.
Maximum Disc (%) If staff member is allowed to apply discounts, you can set up a maximum discount rate that they can apply.
Allow void invoice If you select this option, staff member can void invoices.
Allow open cash drawer If you select this option, staff member can open cash drawer without transaction.