1. Open ‘Preferences’ under the ‘File’ tab

2. Go to MYOB

3. Setup MYOB Details

MYOB Service Account No Sales or Credit Invoice will export to MYOB as a service item invoice because BLUETILL doesn’t handle MYOB inventory item. A MYOB service account number and service item code will be required to generate the export text file. Click Here for instruction
MYOB Service Item Code MYOB service item code for exporting the invoice item.
MYOB Freight If the item code is ‘FREIGHT’, this item will export to MYOB’s freight.
MYOB Cost of Sales Account No When exporting purchases (Received Item Invoice), BLUETILL uses the Cost of Sales account number in MYOB. Click Here for instruction

4. Setup MYOB Card ID for Customer


5. Setup MYOB Card ID for Supplier


How to export invoice to MYOB
How to export purchase to MYOB