1. Select item

You can select an item using three different methods.
(1) Scan or type the item code and click the ‘Search’ button or press ‘ENTER’ on your keyboard.
(2) Click the ‘Search Button’ to open the ‘Lookup Item’ screen.
(3) Type the item code directly.
(4) Click the ‘No.’ column on the empty row to open the ‘Lookup Item’ screen.

2. Change the quantity

Click on the ‘Qty’ column for the desired row then type the quantity.

3. Change the price

Click on the ‘Unit Price’ column for the desired row then type the price.

4. Click the ‘Pay’ button

5. Enter Table Number (Optional)

6. Receive Payment

Step 1 : Click on the ‘Amount Received’ column for the payment type that the customer gave.
Step 2 : Enter the amount (If customer pays the exact full amount, you can click the ‘Full Payment’ button instead).

7. After Payment

After payment the staff login screen will be displayed.

If you want to skip the login screen and/or you don’t want to print receipt after the transaction, you can change it in ‘Preferences’.